Dog Breeds 101: Dachshund

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Originating from Germany, the Dachshund is short-legged and has a long body. Originally, the breed was raised to hunt badgers by trailing their scent. In fact, the word “Dachshund” literally means badger dog in German. The Dachshund was first recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1885. [1] This breed has a high level of stamina despite its size.

Normally, Dachshunds have short and stubby legs with large front paws ideal for digging. The breed is categorized according to their size: the Kaninchen, Standard, and the Miniature. Moreover, they are further categorized according to their coat: long hair, wire hair, and short-haired. [2] Though red is the most common color of Dachshunds, the breed may also come in chocolate, black, fawn, and tan colors.

Dachshunds are loved by many dog owners because of their cuddly and cute appearance. Also, they are often curious, lively and clever. Sometimes, the breed can be proud and brave yet they remain to be known for their immense devotion to their owners. On the other hand, they may be quite difficult to train, and if not raised correctly may even become destructive at home.

Dachshunds are often considered as ideal pets because of their wonderful personalities. In addition to their friendly personality, they are known to be lovable and playful companions. This breed is known to be loyal and devoted to its owners but can be reserved and suspicious toward strangers. Therefore, it is necessary to allow for several interactions with strangers before the dog may feel at ease. With proper and adequate training, this behavior may be corrected. Dachshund’s temperament relies most heavily on genetics, socialization, and training. [3] They also make excellent guard and watchdogs because of their tendency to bark relentlessly whenever they identify danger – especially at night.

In general, they are amenable to the idea of having other pets around. However, without proper direction from their human companions, Dachshunds may become irritable, jealous, and difficult to handle.

Dachshunds can thrive in apartments. In fact, they can dwell in houses with no backyards. However, this breed is likely to become lazy and little physical exercise can lead to severe health issues. It is, for this reason, they will need ample walking and playtime to maintain good health.

In regards to grooming, Dachshunds need regular brushing and combing. On average, Dachshund’s life expectancy is around 12 years. [4]




[3] Amy Fernandez, Training Your Dachshund (Barron’s Educational Series, 2008).

[4] E. J. Taylor, C. Adams, and R. Neville, “Some Nutritional Aspects of Ageing in Dogs and Cats,” Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 54, no. 03 (1995): 645–56, doi:10.1079/PNS19950064.

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