VIDEO: Emergency Pet CPR Tutorial

Being caught up in the harrowing ordeal of discovering your canine pal unconscious, not or barely breathing, or even without a heartbeat can be horrible for any pet owner. It’s worse if you panic, and find yourself frantically crying or lost in a daze, helpless and clueless how to save your dog.

Then it strikes you: “Rush the dog to the vet, or ask someone who knows pet CPR for help,” you thought, but that could take a while. It dawns on you finally that perhaps the chances of your dog getting out of death’s clutches would have been better if you yourself know how to perform pet CPR.

Pet owners, don’t let yourselves be in this same kind of frightening situation. Find time to learn the basics and steps in executing proper CPR. While it may be true that your pet’s best chances will be when they are in professional hands, it wouldn’t hurt to know how to respond correctly to emergency pet situations for which time is of the essence.

An animal may stop breathing possibly because of choking, traumatic injuries, or prolonged illnesses. Resuscitating a cat or dog may save its life or momentarily stabilize its condition until assistance arrives. CPR, or cardiopulmonary resuscitation, involves artificial respiration and chest compressions that require forceful motions. Bear in mind however that CPR poses certain risks such as physical complications and fewer than one in ten pets survives with CPR. True enough that the chance of success with CPR may be slim and not significantly high, but it’s worth the shot. At least it beats doing nothing!

We care for our pets but more often than not, we are unprepared for pet emergencies. Elaine Acker, the CEO of Pets America, demonstrates through a video the correct way of doing CPR on pets.

For pet owners out there who truly care, as I know you do, please enjoy learning from this highly-regarded video by wesmedia and let us know your thoughts in the comments:

VIDEO- Emergency Pet CPR Tutorial - WP
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