This video by Kristin Crestejo is an effective presentation of how to create an invisible border for any dog. By being able to train your dog with this fascinating technique, you can keep your dog out of a room. You can also keep your dog from dashing out of the front door and prevent it from running into the street. The goal of the training utilized here is to embed a default behavior which means that your dog should perform the task even without hearing a verbal cue. The required things for this training are treats, a clicker, and some sort of line. You also have to note the importance of your area not having any distractions for your dog. You will need your dog to focus on the training as much as possible.
The first step in this training is to walk up to the line, stop and click if your dog is behind it. When you reward the dog, always release it on the side where you want your dog to remain inside. This will help reinforce that side and also prevent your dog from crossing the line. The second step requires you to move over the line as your dog responds, use the clicker then reward your dog numerous times. If you move past the line and your dog follows you and crosses the line, just lead it back behind the line. You can try again until your dog corrects itself then click and reward it again. Take note though if your dog fails three times in a row (crosses the line), you have to go back a step to stop at the line, then try the previous step again.
In the video, you can see that Kristin showcases how to handle the dog when it fails to prevent itself from crossing the line. This will be the challenge in this training. Some dogs might tend to fail because of their lack of strong basic obedience skills. But that’s where your own focus really comes into play. As an owner/trainer, it’s your duty to keep your dog focused on the task at hand.
The third step is to raise the criteria by moving farther away from the line and the dog staying. Repeat this step over and over again and when you see your dog improving greatly, you can raise the criteria even more and go farther and increase the duration by a few moments in order to test if your dog will be able to stay back.
In order to test your dog, you need to act differently around it and be more excited than the usual. This will test whether your dog will choose to stay behind the line or not. Success would equal to your dog staying behind the line. Just keep on practicing and take the time to teach this to your dog because it will help a lot in its behavior and discipline.